Our first event for September is our Labor Day Celebration which will take place 1 week from today. Details are below.
Sunday, September 3th
Party starts at 2:00 pm
Grills will be ready at 3:00/3:15 pm
PBRA will set up the grills and have them ready for our members to cook what ever they would like to have that day. This is an opportunity for you to cook what ever you have a taste for. So bring a steak, some fish or burgers to cook and you can share with other members if you like!!!! We do ask that everyone bring a dish to share with the membership. We have set up the website with items we need. We ask that .have your side dishes at the pool by 3:30 and we will start to serve at 4:00 pm.
The link to sign up a dish or help with set up and clean up can be found at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4CABA72EAAF49-labor1
The Board and I hope to see you on Sunday!!!