Last night we held our Annual Board Meeting. Some of the items discussed are as follows:
- New President was elected — Cliff Pepper — CPEPPER@CAMPBELLSTONE.ORG
- New Treasurer was elected — John Luckett — JOHN.LUCKETT@SIMPSONHOUSING.COM
- Mickey Mellen has taken over the care of the card access system
- Finances were cleared and presented to the new president
- The By-Laws were changed to compensate the President and Treasurer and will read as follows:
The President and Treasurer will receive free Membership. The Membership director will receive free Membership if the quota of 100 Members is met. To receive these discounts you must serve at least 2 years on the Board, and will receive the discounts during that time. If at any time the Members have found you negligent in you duties the dues will be paid in full at that time. This will coincide with the Laws under Article V Section 3. All other Board Members will receive the discounts set fourth under Article V Section 4.
Thank you so much Cliff and John for stepping up and taking on these jobs
Kevin Williams